“The 7 Deadly Sins of Evangelization” & How Parish Leaders Can Overcome Them

When I founded Sent Parish, it was not just the birth of a new organization but the culmination of a profound realization and a deep-seated passion. The genesis of this journey began with countless conversations with pastors who were grappling with a common dilemma: how to effectively evangelize within their parishes. These pastors would often ask me, "Nick, what is the magic bullet for evangelization?"

My response was always the same: "There is no magic bullet." The true catalyst for evangelization lies within the very heart of the parish—the families and leaders who are already there. The real challenge and opportunity are to activate and empower these individuals to thrive in discipleship and disciple-making.

Through years of working in various parishes, dioceses, and apostolates, I developed an instinctual ability to diagnose the unique needs of each parish. I realized that effective evangelization wasn't about a one-size-fits-all solution but understanding the specific dynamics and challenges each parish faced. This insight led me to ponder: What was I doing instinctually to take the pulse of a parish? Could I document and systematize this process?

Reflecting on my experiences, I identified seven common problems that hinder parish evangelization. I coined them, “The 7 Seven Deadly Sins of Evangelization":

  1. Lack of Clear Mission and Vision: Without clear direction, efforts become aimless.

  2. Unclear Path of Discipleship: Failing to communicate a clear path hinders growth.

  3. Inconsistent Encounters with Christ: Regular, meaningful encounters with Christ are crucial; their absence means parishes fail to make disciples.

  4. Lack of Growth Opportunities: Without these, members remain stagnant.

  5. Failure to Invite to Serve: Not inviting parishioners to serve limits engagement and stifles their God-given vocations.

  6. Neglecting Evaluation: Regular evaluation is essential for improving our efforts.

  7. Isolation in Evangelization: Collaboration and community are vital for success. Ministries often silo themselves, which doesn't help anyone.

With these seven deadly sins identified, I wondered how I could help parishes understand their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the idea for the Disciple Maker Parish Assessment was born. This quick, five-minute assessment asks key questions about parish activities and leadership efforts against the seven deadly sins. The results provide a clear picture of where parishes excel and where they need growth, offering immediate, actionable insights.

The first time I implemented the Disciple Maker Parish Assessment, I was astounded by the transformative power of data-driven decisions. Pastors who previously felt paralyzed by the unknowns of their new communities could now strategize and implement changes immediately, fostering growth and effective evangelization.

This experience inspired me to share these insights on a broader scale, leading to the founding of Sent Parish. Sent Parish emerged from a deep desire to rebuild the church, address declining Mass attendance, and combat the increasing closures and consolidations of parishes. I envision a church revitalized by the power of local parishes and families on fire for evangelization.

The Disciple Maker Parish Assessment is a crucial first step for every parish. It helps strategize growth, elevates, and empowers parish leaders to make disciples and spread the Gospel. Sent Parish is committed to equipping parish leaders with the tools and insights they need to succeed.

Please pray for me and consider joining this mission to help every parish thrive in evangelization and discipleship. Together, we can rebuild and transform the church, one parish at a time.

Nick J. Longo

Nick is a loving disciple, husband to Christina, and father to Phoenix, Israel, and Eden. He is working hard every day to share the joy of the Gospel to his family and everyone that he can reach.

Among the many endeavors Nick is involved with, here are some highlights:

The host of The Nick Longo Show

Director of Evangelization for a Catholic Church

National Speaker for Antibullying, Social Media, and topics within the Catholic faith

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Unlocking the Power of Parish Evangelization: The Birth of Sent Parish


Transforming Your Parish: The Path to Effective Evangelization